About Us

We have been making Ionix Static Eliminators since 1994 - they are proven to work. Our goal is to solve your static problem to your satisfaction. Ionix Static Eliminators are installed in printing plants, auto body repair shops, wood products manufacturers, plastic thermoformers, extruders, molders, packaging and in product finishing lines throughout the world. We have sold tens of thousands of Ionix throughout the world.

We're always happy to discuss your particular static problem at no charge or obligation. We LIKE to try to solve static problems so we don't consider your call an intrusion. Call 800-246-1784 anytime. Your call may go to voicemail after hours but we're notified of after hours calls and will call you back after hours if you want. Just let us know when you want a return call. You can also email us 24/7 at info@IonixTechnologies.com and we'll get back to you generally within a few hours - 24/7.

Ionix is sold with an unconditional 30 day guarantee. You can return your Ionix within 30 days for any reason. We warrant our product to be free of defects for 6 months after installation. Replacement is recommended after one year of actual use.
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